Honey Almond Delight

Honey Almond Delight

A sweet and nutty coffee delight, Honey Almond Delight combines the strong flavor of Espresso with the subtle taste of almond milk. It is sweetened with raw honey and a dash of cocoa powder, finished off with a sprinkle of cinnamon on top.

Origin: Australia

Pairing: Croissant, Pastries

Difficulty: Medium

Strength: Medium


  • Double-shot of Espresso
  • Almond Milk
  • Raw Honey
  • Cocoa Powder
  • Cinnamon


  1. Brew a double-shot of Espresso
  2. Warm up Almond Milk separately and froth it
  3. In a large cup, mix the Espresso, Honey, and a sprinkle of Cocoa Powder
  4. Pour the frothed Almond Milk into the cup
  5. Add a dash of Cinnamon on top

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